Horror Classic 8 of 50: WHITE ZOMBIE

This week's movie is White Zombie from 1932. Guess who stars in this film? That's right, it's Bela Lugosi! Again ! (see also Black Dragons , Invisible Ghost , and One Body Too Many .) This makes disc 2 of the 50-movie horror pack a total Lugosi-palooza, and I have to assume that it was done that way on purpose. I had actually seen this one before, some years ago, with my college buddy Sara, who may or may not be reading this blog. I really didn't remember much from it, with the notable exception of Bela Lugosi's sinister eyes. His eyes get a lot of camera time, and he probably prepared for it, spending hours staring into the mirror until he had thoroughly freaked himself out. Synopsis Neil and Madeline are on their way to get married at the estate of their acquaintance Mr. Beaumont. En route they encounter a group of slow-moving, hollowed-eyed folks, and the driver of their carriage explains that these are ZOMBIES. The young couple is skeptical, but the driver high...