Horror Classic 20 of 50: THE VAMPIRE BAT

The Vampire Bat is yet another film from a "poverty row" studio -- Majestic Pictures, this time. It features Fay Wray, which is cool, because I don't think I've ever seen Fay Wray in anything besides King Kong , in which she spent about half the film screaming. How much screaming does she do in The Vampire Bat ? Let's find out. Synopsis Our characters live in a village that's facing a major threat . It's not a new Wal-Mart, it's the fact that people keep getting killed, mysteriously, their corpses drained of blood and bearing two marks on the neck. Could it be a VAMPIRE BAT ? The title of the film would certainly seem to make that a likely possibility, and it's the theory held by most of the men of the town, including the bürgermeister . What is a bürgermeister, anyway? I think I'd like to be one, because I'd like to have that word on my business card, but I should probably find out what they do before I go to bürgermeistering school. Othe...