Drive-in Classic 1 of 50: I WONDER WHO'S KILLING HER NOW?

Disclaimer: Although I'm titling this post with "Drive-in Classic 1 of 50," 1975's I Wonder Who's Killing Her Now? , directed by Steven Hilliard Stern, is not actually the first movie in the Mill Creek 50 Movie Pack: Drive-in Classics DVD set. It's just the one I decided to watch first, based mostly on the title. The title, of course, is a goof on the old song I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now . My initial assumption was that this would be a really bad thriller with a high body count. But as soon as I pressed PLAY, that belief was challenged. An animated opening title sequence? A credit that reads "Starring Bill Dana?" Could this be... a... comedy ? ( Bill Dana , by the way, is a comedian best known for playing a Mexican character named José Jimenez, who ranks somewhere near the Frito Banditio in terms of political correctness.) And it is indeed a comedy, or at least it thinks it is. It starts out promisingly enough, but about halfway through the...