Drive-in Classic 1 of 50: I WONDER WHO'S KILLING HER NOW?

Disclaimer: Although I'm titling this post with "Drive-in Classic 1 of 50," 1975's I Wonder Who's Killing Her Now?, directed by Steven Hilliard Stern, is not actually the first movie in the Mill Creek 50 Movie Pack: Drive-in Classics DVD set. It's just the one I decided to watch first, based mostly on the title.
And it is indeed a comedy, or at least it thinks it is. It starts out promisingly enough, but about halfway through the tone changes, and the whole thing becomes really, really stupid.
In a session with his analyst, Jordan has a brainstorm: What if he took out a life insurance policy on Clarice, then had her killed? What a quick and easy way to get the money! His analyst vows not to tell anyone, because he takes doctor-patient confidentiality seriously. But can he do it? That day at lunch, his fortune cookie encourages him: "DON'T BE A COWARD! DO IT NOW!!!" After taking in a movie called Die! Die! My Pet, Jordan makes up his mind: He's going to kill his wife.
So they both track him down, only to discover that he sub-subcontracted another hitman - Dr. Binay, who runs a fat farm, speaks like Bela Lugosi, and employs as a nurse a man in drag. So they all track him down, only to discover that he sub-sub-subcontracted another hitman - CIA agent James Kirsten, who is undercover as a (wacky French) waiter but is secretly a bricklaying enthusiast. And yep, he hired another guy, and he hired another guy, and so on and so forth, and please is this movie over yet?
-Man, there is nothing about this movie on the internet. Even IMDb only has one external review link.
-So how come Bill Dana gets the "Starring" credit when Bob Dishy's Jordan Oliver is the main character? Was Jose Jimenez really that popular?
-When the waiter/CIA agent/bricklayer showed up , I thought it was prolific character actor Vincent Schiavelli, but sadly it was not. It was Richard Libertini, whom I don't think I had ever heard of before.
-There's a gag early on where Jordan sits at a piano, and appears to be beautifully playing a stirring classical piece, but then it's revealed that he's just miming it and the real music is coming from a tiny man playing a tiny piano. It's... odd. And then the art dealer is very short also. This movie clearly believes that short = hilarious.
-One gag during Jordan's search for a hitman involves a flasher on a street corner. Is this just a comedy thing, or did it really exist at some point -- Men standing on street corners wearing large trenchcoats, waiting to open them and reveal their everythings to unsuspecting passersby? If so, where are all the flashers today?
-Apparently this movie sometimes goes by the title Kill My Wife, Please, which is absolutely no better or worse than I Wonder Who's Killing Her Now?
-According to IMDb, director Steven Hilliard Stern also directed a TV movie called Murder in Space. I think I would like to see that.
Letter grade for I Wonder Who's Killing Her Now?: C
I don't know when I'll watch another one of these things, but I'm pretty my next one will be the "Drive-in Classic" Creepers, starring a very young Jennifer Connelly. But I still have 49 drive-in movies and 20 "Cult Classics" left to go, so I have plenty to choose from. Stay tuned!